Steven King

Steven King


Tell us a little bit about your family and what you do for a living.

My wife Amy and I have three boys, Hudson, 11, Rusher 9, and Canon 3. I am a professor of emerging technologies at UNC. Prior to moving to the area, Amy and I served overseas missionaries based out of Thailand and our job was to tell the stories of how God was working around the world.

How did you become a follower of Christ?

I grew up in a Christian home and at a young age I began to wonder what would happen if I died. I went to talk to my Dad and understood that I made mistakes and I needed the saving Grace of Jesus so at that moment I asked Christ to forgive me of my sins and change my life.  Through out high school and college I chose to serve Jesus and follow his will for my life and career rather than my own.

How do you hope to contribute to the mission of CHBC?

I want to serve however God needs me, but I hope to use my communications skills and experience to help the church better communicate with each other and with our community.