Meg Howes

Meg Howes

Deacon ('26)

I am the well-loved wife and mother to my husband, Ian, and our 5 children. Our boys, Winston and Stuart, along with Winston’s lovely wife, Alex, live in Los Angeles. Our 3 girls, Emma, Claire and Phoebe, live locally with the younger two attending UNC and NC State respectively. I am a stay-at-home mom and homemaker who enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, and all things chocolate.

I was raised in the Catholic faith so I knew of God, but it was my husband (already a seeker) and his friends who shared the gospel and lived relationally with Jesus which led me to know Him as Savior and Lord. I continue to be amazed the God of the universe wants to know and dwell with us.

The more I know Jesus, the more I want to serve Him and His body. I believe I can do this as I support, care and minister to His church at CHBC.