News & Stories
God’s Global Worshipers
My prayer is that our journey with Jesus will lead us to beautiful places and mission opportunities to make Christ known among the nations and as a multi-national and multi-ethic church.
Through Suffering and Death Comes Life
One of the reasons I believe the gospel stubbornly even when deconstructive thoughts enter my mind is the craziness of our good news story, that through suffering and death comes life. I really don’t think any human would write that – and even the myth stories that involve sacrifice unto death still ultimately come back to human effort, appeasement of gods who often act like men, and thus wind their way back to a transactional relationship between gods and men. The gospel is a story of pure grace and promise. That is a true story that is revealed from on high, not created from below.
Revival Back to the Word
For our fourth installment of reflections on revival, I want to briefly consider the essential work of God the Spirit’s work to give us confidence in the Bible.
The Wonder of the Gospel
My family went to see the movie Jesus Revolution yesterday during our annual Spring Break week. I am sure there are manifold reviews out there on the merits of the filmmaking, the accuracy of the historical details, and the overall storytelling so I will not prognosticate on those things. There was a scene in the movie that I may have been allergic to (somehow my eyes got all watery) and it brought me to this reflection…
Revival and Repentance
Last week, we considered how prayer is essential to that hunger, both as a primer for revival, an engine during revival, and as an ongoing fruit of revival. Now, we turn to another essential, yet complex, part of preparing for, experiencing, and seeing long-term results of revival – seriousness about sin and repentance.
From Your Elders – September 2023 update
On behalf of your Elders, let me say that we are excited to see how God is leading in this new season and we want to make sure we share that with our body on a timely basis. To that end, we will be providing a monthly update, with a different elder sharing each month.
September 13, 2023 Membership Gathering Recap
On Wednesday evening, September 13, we gathered together for a time of breaking bread, getting to know our parish neighbors more, kids enjoying playing and encouraging each other, and hearing stories and updates of God’s work through our church.
Here’s a recap of what was covered during that time for those who weren’t able to join in…
June 4, 2023 Annual Meeting Recap
It was a joy to gather with ~270 members and other guests to share stories of God moving in CHBC’s midst, affirm and commission this coming year’s leadership, and lay this coming year on the altar before the Lord together. Below are some of the highlights for those who weren’t able to join us.
April 19, 2023 Membership Gathering Recap
Thank you to all those who came out to our membership gathering this past Wednesday night, April 19! It continues to be a joy to lean into these rhythms of gathering, breaking bread, sharing, and growing together as the body of Christ.
We enjoyed fellowship, conversation, and prayer, as well as SO many delicious desserts! Thank you to all who contributed!
For those who were unable to join us, we were sorry to miss you, but hope you’ll be able to join in next time! Here’s a recap of all that was discussed…
March 8, 2023 Membership Gathering Recap
A BIG thank you to the 360+ members and attenders who came out to fellowship together this past Wednesday night, March 8! What a joy it was to see so many gathered to lean into our life together as the body of Christ.
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