This is the last installment of Four What It’s Worth for 2022, and with it comes a bookend to the number four. There are four Sundays coming in January that I want to draw your attention to. There are five total Sundays, but four works better with our schema.
Matt Gilleskie will start the new year as a teacher.
This will be Matt’s first time at the Sunday morning pulpit, so please pray for him. Matt is very gifted, so I have no worries, but as always pray for faithfulness to the text, efficient preparation, prayerful dependence, and the power of the Holy Spirit in delivery.
From an Elder’s Heart
For (or four) the next four Sundays, we are going to have the privilege of sitting under the teaching of three of our elders. The theme of the month will be: From an Elder’s Heart. Now, on top of it being a good thing to hear from some of our non-staff elders, there is another reason I will not be preaching in January – rest and restoration.
A Time to Reset, Recharge, and Restore
The elders have graciously allowed me to extend my normal and yearly Christmas time away a bit so I can restore myself in the Lord after a very trying season of pastoring and leadership. We do not need to recount events but suffice it to say my tank is a bit empty and I have been counseled by many to reset, recharge, and restore my soul before another busy season of ministry as we build in new and healthy structures and ethos into our church body. Like I said, I am very thankful for this and for the godly men who have blessed me to do this on our board.
I also want to thank you, my church family, for your prayers, encouragements, and love so richly bestowed on me and my family these recent days. You have been the Lord’s instrument of healing, grace, and truth. Rebecca and I love you and we pray that the love of Jesus will fill your hearts to the brim this Christmas. I will be praying for you all a lot during January. I have been burdened to pray not only for stability and healing, but for revival. If you feel so burdened, please join me.
I will see you soon. I will be back in the pocket for baby dedications on January 29th.
May the treasure of the incarnation continue to change everything in your life and the world.
Yours in Jesus,
Wisdom from above, Brother!! R and R well Praying for this time!! Hank