It was a joy to gather with ~270 members and other guests to share stories of God moving in CHBC’s midst, affirm and commission this coming year’s leadership, and lay this coming year on the altar before the Lord together. Below are some of the highlights for those who weren’t able to join us.
Stories of God Moving In Our Midst
Led by Jay Thomas (Lead Pastor) and Tao Huang (Elder)
- We celebrated what God has been doing among our Kids Ministry under the provision of Betsy Riggan’s faithful, generous, and ongoing sacrificial leadership. As she steps back into her former volunteer role and Pastor Matt Smith takes the helm as our Family Pastor, we are immensely grateful for God’s work in the hearts of our precious little people through Betsy’s offering of wisdom, time, and experience. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Betsy! We praise God with every remembrance of you.
- Jay shared about a recent prayer gathering of brothers and sisters of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities hosted at his home which breathed new life into the vision for what a multiethnic, multigenerational body of Christ should look like among CHBC.
- Attendees took some time to share their own stories of God’s recent movement in and around them with one another at their tables.
- Tao led the group in prayer, raising these things as incense to the Lord.
Family Welcomes & Goodbyes
Led by Ryan McKee (Community Pastor)
- Welcomes: Paul & Mary Robbins, Keziah Lloyd, Barry Beggs
- Goodbyes: Junette Yu, Sarah & Chuck Hoover, Mitch & Anna Maw, Ben & Brooke Robinson
- Contact Ryan McKee if you plan to depart from our church family any time leading into the fall as we would love to honor you and send you off in prayer as part of our next Membership Gathering on September 13.
Updates & Other Content
- Update from Personnel Policies Working Group – Jason Portnoy (Elder)
- This team shared updates on three ongoing projects: updates to the CHBC employee handbook, results of reviewing end of employment processes and planned steps forward with new separation documents, and the creation of a new Human Resources Advisory Team.
- Affirmation and Election of New Officers – Jay Baas (Elder Chair) & Julie Raynor (Deacon Chair)
- Officers concluding their terms as Elders and Deacons were honored and thanked for their service for our church body
- Jay Baas shared the 12 members of the reformatted Elder Board per LFM’s recommendations
- New and current Elder candidates (re-)affirmed: Jay Baas and Michael Carnahan
- New Deacon candidates elected: Meg Howes, Sam Leuice, and Eric North
- Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Eric Rodgers (Treasurer)
- Eric shared the budget recommended by the Board of Deacons per the work of the Budget Team, laying out big buckets of the upcoming $3.55 million budget for FY 2023-2024
- The membership voted to adopt the proposed budget.
- Attendees spent time in prayer led by the following prayer points:
- May we be equipped, that every member working properly will bless the church and labor diligently for the kingdom of God
- Cause us to wield great influence over our community through our good works and tangible love for one another
- For many to be saved through the witness and love of our body
- Our Elders and Deacons were commissioned in prayer with a symbolic laying of hands by the membership for the work and steps God has prepared for them to walk in this upcoming year
Next membership Gathering / Wednesday, September 13
Mark your calendar for the next Membership Gathering, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept 13. More details will come as it approaches.
For questions, comments, or concerns about this event or its content, feel free to email Erin Bethany.
May God bless you and keep you as you go about His good work in His place as His people this summer season!