Facility Guidelines
Because of our new building use policy as of November 2020, We have restricted the use of our building and ground to Bible Church Ministries only.
Please notify us as early as possible if you will not be meeting at your scheduled time. This allows us to release your assigned rooms for others to use, and to change the programming of the HVAC to save energy costs.
Please use only the room(s) reserved for you. If your room(s) is locked when you arrive, come to the receptionist desk and ask the receptionist or building attendant to unlock it for you. You may page the building attendant from the reception desk if he or she is not there. Please do not use a room that you have not been assigned.
If you need assistance, contact the receptionist or attendant at the receptionist desk. If no one is at the desk, you can page the attendant by pressing the page button on black box. The attendant will respond through the speaker in the box. At that point, it is not necessary to hold down any button to continue to talk to the attendant.
NOTE: Due to our stage setup we do not make any changes to the stage. We also may not know what the stage will look like two or three months out. Please be aware that the stage decorations may look different between the time you reserve the sanctuary and the date of your actual event.
Entering the Building
When your event is confirmed, you will be given instructions as to which door your participants should enter through. Please use the door/entrance given.
- First aid kits are located at each nursery station, the receptionist desk, downstairs kitchen (room 104), upstairs kitchen, and deacon’s cabinet in room 205. CPR mouth shields are located in each fire extinguisher box. Please let your key leaders know of this.
- An AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) is located in the Guest Reception (off the Lobby) next to the Trauma Kit. If someone from your group would like to learn how to use this prior to your meeting or event, please contact Matthew Wright, Facilities Director (919.408.0310 x120, matt@biblechurch.org). Even without prior training, this device can be used to increase the chances of survival from a heart attack.
- Any use of open flames or heating devices must be pre-approved by the Facilities Director. This includes candles and heating elements for food.
- Fire extinguishers are located within sight of each hallway exit.
- Please do not hang anything from ceiling – this is a fire code violation. All decorations, posters, etc., that you wish to hang on walls must be pre-approved and must be attached to walls with approved adhesives.
- If safety covers on electrical outlets are removed in nursery room, please replace them.
- The clear plastic covers over fire pull stations in the children’s rooms have an alarm that will sound if you lift up the cover. This alarm only goes off in the room, however, not in the whole building, and it does not alert the fire department. To set off the entire fire system and alert the fire department, you still have to pull down the fire lever.
- Report all accidents to the receptionist or attendant. There is a form at the receptionist desk that must be filled out.
- “CHBC Public” Wi-Fi: There is a public Wi-Fi network throughout most of the building that anyone can use. There are web filters on this system that will restrict access to certain sites. If you need access to a site for teaching purposes, you should give a 5-day notice to the facilities director or the admin for the ministry.
- “CHBC Classroom” WiFi downstairs in kids wing: For CHBC Ministries Only. The WiFi labeled “CHBC Classroom” is password protected because it has very limited filters on it. This is for CHBC teachers for teaching purposes only and is not to be given to any students or parents. If students or parents need access to the Internet they can go upstairs to the “CHBC Public” WiFi. If you lead a ministry and need this access, please ask the administrative assistant for the ministry.
- You must reserve appropriate rooms and sign a release form before holding childcare in our building.
- Diaper changing policy:
- Wash or sanitize hands.
- Use gloves.
- Clean changing area after each diaper change with bleach solution.
- Wash hands after each change.
- All diapers must be removed from the rooms when you leave. A dumpster is available near the utility building (by the soccer field).
- Nursery Room. Use guidelines posted in rooms. Please read them before using room.
- Toys used in nursery and toddler room need to be sanitized at the end of room use. Bleach solution is provided. Leave small toys in sink or rack to air dry. If cribs are used, please place sheets and blankets in the washing machine. You do not need to turn on the machine. An attendant will wash the laundry later.
Clean Up
- Please restore the room to the way you found it. Return tables and chairs to their proper positions. Unless arrangements have been made with facilities management, do not move tables or chairs out of rooms. Toys should not be moved out of the rooms, either.
- Please clean up after your event. If needed, brooms and vacuums can be found in room 110 or 205. Carpet cleaning material is located in marked cabinets inside the fireside room and room 255. If you find this locked, come to the front desk and we will be glad to unlock it for you.
- Please no food or drinks without permission from facilities management. When food is approved, the user is responsible for removing trash to dumpster (located near the utility building by the soccer field). Please no red drinks.
Weather Cancellations
We follow the Chapel Hill/ Carrboro school system weather policy. If schools are closed all events before 1 pm are canceled. The status of afternoon and evening events will be posted on the event phone line at 919.408.0310 ext 133.
Because of our new building use policy as of November 2020, we have restricted the use of our building and ground to Bible Church ministries only.
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Chapel Hill Bible Church
260 Erwin Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Office: 919.408.0310
Email: info@biblechurch.org
© 2023 Chapel Hill Bible Church
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