The Independent Love of God

The Independent Love of God

God is utterly independent, unlike us. Even in whatever degree of independence we may possess, there is still dependance – actually, a lot of it. For example, we may have enough money to cover our expenses, but we did not create and sustain all the contingent...
What Can We Agree On in the Creation Account?

What Can We Agree On in the Creation Account?

This Sunday we begin our study of Genesis. There is a term called a ‘shibboleth’. It comes from the book of Judges (12:6) where the rogue tribe of Ephraim was taking arms against their own Israelite brethren, the Gileadites. The leader of the Gileadites, Jephthah,...
Future Grace

Future Grace

An Introduction to “Four What It’s Worth” For a season I feel led to scribble some pastoral encouragements from the Word to you. The last couple years have been challenging, and I sense from the Lord that hard times don’t just leave hard spaces. They...