Sep 16, 2022 |
God is utterly independent, unlike us. Even in whatever degree of independence we may possess, there is still dependance – actually, a lot of it. For example, we may have enough money to cover our expenses, but we did not create and sustain all the contingent...
Sep 9, 2022 |
This Sunday we begin our study of Genesis. There is a term called a ‘shibboleth’. It comes from the book of Judges (12:6) where the rogue tribe of Ephraim was taking arms against their own Israelite brethren, the Gileadites. The leader of the Gileadites, Jephthah,...
Sep 2, 2022 |
An Introduction to “Four What It’s Worth” For a season I feel led to scribble some pastoral encouragements from the Word to you. The last couple years have been challenging, and I sense from the Lord that hard times don’t just leave hard spaces. They...